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Resources for teachers on teaching climate science in Key Stage 3 and 4 Mathematics.

Stock image, storm seen from space

Key Stage 3 and 4 Mathematics

Here is a broad range of materials including using CPDN ( data to teach about data analysis, a very simple climate model using dice and an exercise in writing and analysing questionnaires.

Title & Description Notes
Using sample data sets teachers’ notes Teachers’ notes Does not require CPDN to be running on school computers (pdf, 70 KB)
Using dice as a climate model
Requires Excel and one die per pupil/ group of pupils
Teachers’ notes (pdf, 100 KB)
Students’ notes (pdf, 140 KB)
Sample spreadsheet (xls, 540 KB)
Presentation (pdf, 530 KB)
Powerpoint presentation (ppt, 1.1 MB)
Presentation notes for teachers (pdf, 100 KB)
Investigating climate data using CPDN results
Requires computers with at least the CPDN visualisation software installed
Students’ worksheet (pdf, 140 KB)
Teachers’ notes (pdf, 160 KB)
Designing questionnaires Presentation (pdf, 90 KB)
Teachers’ notes & lesson plans (pdf, 60 KB)