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Resources for teachers on teaching climate science in A-Level Physics from CPDN, University of Oxford

Stock image, storm seen from space

A-Level Physics

These materials are aimed at any AS/A2 course.

There are several links between the work that the CPDN ( team are doing and the Advancing Physics AS / A2 course: See the teachers’ notes for some specific ideas.

Title and description Notes
Using CPDN with Advancing Physics Teachers’ notes (pdf, 100 KB)
Introducing climate prediction Suggested use of simple climate model and presentation teachers’ notes and lesson plan (pdf, 90 KB)
Introduction, including the simple climate model (pdf, 260 KB)
Climate modelling using Modellus Students’ worksheet, requires Modellus (pdf, 170 KB)
Simple Climate Model Teachers’ notes calculator version (pdf, 140 KB)
Students’ notes (pdf, 120 KB)
Excel worksheet version (xls, 14 KB)
Simple Climate Model – programming extension For advanced students, replaces spreadsheet Excel version (pdf, 80 KB)
Simple Climate Model Paper and calculator worksheet (pdf, 100 KB)
CPDN results so far Analysis exercise, teachers’ notes. Does not require the CPDN model to be running (pdf, 110 KB)
Analysis exercise does not require the CPDN model to be running (pdf, 300 KB)
The logistic equation Spreadsheet exercise Stand-alone exercise uses the logistic equation as an example of a chaotic system (xls, 30 KB)
Students’ worksheet Stand-alone exercise uses the logistic equation as an example of a chaotic system (pdf, 140 KB)
Teachers’ notes Stand-alone exercise uses the logistic equation as an example of a chaotic system (pdf, 40 KB)
Advanced Climate Model Students’ notes Spreadsheet looking at the possible mechanisms of climate change (pdf, 110 KB)
Spreadsheet looking at the possible mechanisms of climate change (xls, 150 KB)
Science Behind the Headlines Summary document for teachers. Discussion exercise looking at the portrayal of science and scientists in the media (doc, 30 KB)
Stories behind the headlines. Discussion exercise looking at the portrayal of science and scientists in the media (doc, 30 KB)
News article on the effect of heat waves on plants. Discussion exercise looking at the portrayal of science and scientists in the media (doc, 70 KB)
Final discussion. Discussion exercise looking at the portrayal of science and scientists in the media (doc, 20 KB)