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Climate science teaching resources from the CPDN project

Scientists will be able to study events such as tropical storm Karl, which developed in the Atlantic in September 2016, using the OpenIFShome project. (Image: NASA Visible Earth, LANCE/EOSDIS Rapid Response team)

Resources for Schools

Helping people understand the role of computer models in researching the changing climate is an important part of the work of (CPDN). The educational support that we offer includes materials for school curriculum and specialised online learning courses.

All the school curriculum material can be found on this website.

CPDN, supported by the Nuffield Foundation, has put together Science, Maths and Geography teaching materials based on the project. For some of these, you need to be running the CPDN model on your school computers, for others you don’t (although we’d very much like you to, there aren’t many opportunities to take part in a real, sophisticated scientific experiment). The materials focus very much on the concepts of modelling and prediction.

Resources for schools

With CPDN you can:

  • Learn about climate and how to predict it using models
  • Run the experiment and watch the weather patterns develop in your unique simulation of the Earth
  • Investigate some sample results we have already obtained

But first, choose the curriculum area of interest to you….

If you are a primary or secondary school teacher who has developed teaching material based on the project (in any language!), or even about more general climate change issues, and are prepared to make it available to other teachers, please contact us.