Models used by the CPDN project
Four climate models are currently available in (CPDN for short), these are:
- OpenIFS@Home – A global numerical weather prediction model from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
- Weather@Home – A Met Office Hadley Centre global atmospheric model (HadAM3P) with a high resolution embedded regional model (HadRM3P) at either 50km or 25km.
- HadAM4 – A high resolution Met Office Hadley Centre global atmospheric model. This runs at two resolutions on CPDN which corresponds to ~90km and ~60km at midlatitudes.
- HadSM4 – The HadAM4 model combined with a slab ocean.
- HadCM3 – A Met Office Hadley Centre coupled model of the ocean and atmosphere.
OpenIFS model
OpenIFS@Home brings together two powerful tools: OpenIFS 43r3, an easy-to-use, supported version of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts' (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) widely used in research and education; and CPDN at the University of Oxford, a highly successful volunteer computing project that has been running since 2003.
See the results from the initial study where thousands of volunteer personal computers simulated slightly different realisations of the tropical storm Karl to demonstrate the performance of the large ensemble forecast.
Weather forecasting requires powerful computer systems and state-of-the-art computer models. The ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) is one of the world’s leading weather forecasting models. A version of their model, OpenIFS, is available to universities and research institutes for teaching and research. As well as producing a 10-day weather forecast from the best estimate of the current weather, a large number of slightly different forecast scenarios, known as an ensemble, are created to allow a measure of certainty on the forecast to be provided.
Through OpenIFS@Home it is now possible to run a slightly different weather forecast on many hundreds or thousands of volunteer computers, making it possible to ask questions such as how predictable certain events are, particularly damaging extreme events such as intense rain or wind. The OpenIFS@Home facility offers researchers a new tool to study weather forecasts and related questions.