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Resources for teachers on teaching climate science in 21st Century Science.

Stock image, storm seen from space

21st Century Science

These resources are specifically aimed at the ‘Science for the 21st Century’ GCSE syllabus. Many are also found in the ‘KS3/4 science’ section.

Title and Description Notes
21st Century Science Overview Teachers’ guide to where the materials fit in C21 science GCSE, and lesson ideas (pdf, 12 KB)
Lesson plan Suggested lesson plan with background information and solutions for teachers (pdf, 120 KB)
Introduction Introduction to climate and climate change (pdf, 260 KB)
Bucket model Students’ worksheet – practical climate model involving a plastic bottle and water. Best done in groups of 3 (pdf, 110 KB)
Students’ worksheet, using a spreadsheet instead of the real thing (xls, 15 KB)
Investigating the greenhouse effect using a bottle of CO2 and a lamp Sample results of the practical described on the Earth Science Education Initiative website (xls, 40 KB)
Simple Climate Model Teachers’ notes – calculator/ Excel versions (pdf, 140 KB)
Students’ notes (pdf, 120 KB)
Spreadsheet version (xls, 14 KB)
Paper and calculator worksheet (pdf, 100 KB)
Using dice as a climate model
Requires spreadsheet software and one die per pupil/ group of pupils
Teachers’ notes (pdf, 100 KB)
Students’ worksheets (pdf, 140 MB)
Sample spreadsheet (xls, 540 KB)
pdf of presentation (pdf, 530KB)
pdf of presentation for teachers (pdf, 100 KB)
The Day After Tomorrow Discussion exercise worksheet (pdf, 100 KB)
Friends of the Earth press release for discussion exercise (pdf, 80 KB)
Exploring energy conservation for the Earth
Explores the transfer of energy from the Sun to the Earth’s atmosphere
Presentation (pdf, 120 KB)
Teachers’ notes (pdf, 80 KB)
Exploring the control of various parts of the Earth system on climate This activity is difficult, there are no ‘correct’ answers to many questions

Students’ worksheet (pdf, 10 KB)

Teachers’ notes (pdf, 17 KB)