Projects in CPDN. University of Oxford
On-going Projects:
The current projects being researched in (CPDN for short) include:
ArctiCONNECT: Consequences of Arctic Warming for European Climate and Extreme Weather
CDDHDD: Cooling and heating degree days
EASHA: East Asia Summer Heatwave Attribution 2013
STORMS: Investigating how low-pressure systems may change in the future
Completed Projects:
Many of the projects researched in CPDN have now been completed, these are:
4C: Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century
AFLAME: Attributing Amazon Forest fires from Land-use Alteration and Meteorological Extremes.
CREDIBLE: Consortium on Risk in the Environment: Diagnostics, Integration, Benchmarking, Learning, and Elicitation
DOCILE: Drives Of Change In mid-Latitude weather Events
EUCP: H2020 European Climate Prediction system
EXSAMPLES: SPF Climate Resilience ExSamples project (Extreme Samples)
HAPPI: Half a degree of additional warming project
HYDRA: Project that investigated the sensitivity to, and uncertainties in the hydrological cycle to changes in land use and the carbon cycle.
IRF_ExtremeWeather: Parameter sensitivity of the response of extreme weather to climate forcing
LOTUS: Long Term Undulations versus secular change in Chinese Climate, part of the Climate Science for Services Partnership China (CSSP-China) programme
Ocean cooling geoengineering project
Seasonal attribution experiment
TCRE: 1.5 Degree Quantifying the cumulative carbon emissions
UCS: Project that aimed to calculate the contribution of the worlds major carbon producers to extreme weather events
Validation & attribution experiment
Whakahura: Extreme events and the emergence of climate change
Weather@home completed projects:
2015 December Extreme weather in the UK
FMEC: Forest Mortality, Economics, and Climate in Western North America
MaRIUS: Managing the Risks, Impacts and Uncertainties of drought and water Scarcity
REBuILD: Risk Evaluation of Brahmaputra Inundations for Loss and Damage
Weather@Home 2014: the causes of the UK winter floods
Weather@Home 2015: Western US Drought
Weather@Home ANZ 2013: the causes of recent heatwaves and drought in Australia and New Zealand
Weather@Home Climate Accountability: the causes of extreme heat in the Western US
Weather@Home: High Resolution 2003 European Heatwave
Weather@Home East Asia: Causes of 2013 Heatwave
WWA (World Weather Attribution): A collaborative project with Climate Central, that aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of near real-time attribution studies for extreme weather events around the world.
The research papers that were published from these completed projects can be found on the publications page of this website.